JK Optical Printer Question

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JK Optical Printer Question

Post by twotoneska »

For any of you who have used a JK Optical Printer - what stock did you record to? Did you use an Intermediate, or just a camera neg or reversal stock? How easy is it to control the outcome of the print, or can you control it at all?
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Post by Konton »

What do you mean outcome? I understand Kodahcome works well.
Justin Miller
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Post by robbie »

best bet would be shoot a medium speed color camera neg such as 200T. neg as you know has greater latitude so since you cant get a meter reading from JK, neg is best for mistakes with various density originals. with a new JK set-up i usually do a exposure test with a color reversal camera film or lab stock, this will provide a basic idea for exposure. then i shoot the orginal with the camera color neg. slightly over exposing for color saturation. i have used lab stocks and still do, but that is wide open for mistakes. best bet and many folk i know successfully use a med speed camera neg.
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Post by twotoneska »

What do you mean outcome?
The final look of the print, i.e. can you make a color corrected work print or is it just a one light.

Robbie, What about using 50 speed neg if your using neg? How much can you control what the print looks like?
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Post by robbie »

if youre using 50asa then youre perhaps using the daylight balanced stock and the JK has a tungsten balanced source so that will take you to lower 12or so asa. therefore, best to use a 100T exr 7248, now outdated, but beautiful or the 7274 200T stock. sad that kodak did away with the 7248. it was such a beautiful stock, but we must go where the money is and not the art or life.
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Post by Shion »

Would 7212 (Vision2/100T) be a suitable alternative to 7248? If not, why?

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