John Pytlak has passed away

This forum is dedicated to Filmshooting members and filmpeople who have passed away.
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Post by mattias »

i almost fainted when i first saw anne's post and the avatar next to it. we had gotten so used to seeing john coming back again and again even after going through some bad periods that i almost thought it would only be natural if he did this time as well. :-) of course that won't happen, but you will not be forgotten john. rest in peace an i'll see you in our dreams.

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Post by freddiesykes »

:( Thanks for all your wonderful contributions, John. Those S8 carts need to be shot in your name.
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Post by dgs8film »

I'm so sad to hear that John has passed away. There will be a great void on this forum without his posts. I would like to extend my deepest sympathy to his family and hope that the time they had with him will give them the strength to get through the days ahead.

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Post by VideoFred »

For me, he was Mr. Pytlak from Kodak. Someone to respect. Then he became John, a human being who was very honest and realistic about his situation.

To be honest, I was very surprized about how important friendship was for John. He was a warm and kind person.

He often mentioned the PTR rolls here, but he never told us he was the man behind those rolls. So yes, everytime I use them, I will think about John.

Now, let's all hope he is still there... out there.

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Post by standard8 »

John will be greatly missed.

Rest in peace.

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Post by Angus »

You know....I am sure John would be thrilled to know we all care enough to post here that we miss him :)
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Post by synthnut »

...sometimes words seem so inadequate to encapsulate a feeling or situation. John's passing away will be burned into my memory like an image is onto Kodachrome. His legacy will be that he made such a contribution to the industry and never was there a more dedicated person than John it seems, so open and patient with us. My heart goes out to the Pytlak family, we have only known him at a distance, yet he seemed so close.
He will be sadly missed, but not forgotten...

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Post by Superbus_ »

My Condolences Anne to you and your family.

Rest in peace, John.
"Cuando despertó, el dinosaurio todavía estaba allí."
("When he awoke, the dinosaur was still there.")

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Post by filmamigo »

We knew it was coming, but I'm still stunned. John will be missed dearly.

My deepest condolences to the family.

John, thank you for all of the time and interest you shared with so many people around the world. Rest well.
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Post by James E »

May you be at peace, and may peace be with you all.
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Post by gianni1 »

So long John, you were helpful and kind... thanks, and all the best to you and yours...

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Post by downix »

How do you respond to this? I remember many conversations with him, here, in messages, in email, about a lot of random pie-in-the-sky ideas at times, but he always took the time to reply. He even brought up an old idea that had come to nothing months later, which did make me feel a little more important, that one of the big names out there did not just humor the little guys, but took the time to actually care about us down here on the totem pole. I know I would not be looking at getting this movie going right now if it wasn't for the help I recieved from everyone here and at, and especially so from John. If I could, or if one of you can, I'd go to his service, with Super8 in hand.
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Post by Mikael »

Rest in peace, John.
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Post by Sasounet »

Goodbye John, we will remember you.

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Post by Paul L. »

I'm really sorry to learn about John's passing. He was a very knowledgable, friendly, generous, and above all.... patient (considering some of the personalities here!) contributor here. I bet he was the same away from a computer, too! My condolances to his family...

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