Have you finished off your Kodachrome yet?

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Re: Have you finished off your Kodachrome yet?

Post by Jonathan »

My last rolls of Kodachrome were:
one roll of slide film, which I shot in October and still got it processed through Kodak
2 rolls of K25 standard 8, one is already back, the other one is on its way to processing
and my very last roll of K40 Sound Super 8, which should also be on its way to the US.

I used Wittner Cinetec to send my films to Dwayne's, and they will forward Kodachrome films they receive until Dec 17th, so I guess this is the deadline for European Kodachrome users.
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Re: Have you finished off your Kodachrome yet?

Post by Angus »

I have to admit, I had one roll of K25 slide film left and sold it in October via eBay. I didn't manage to shoot it over the summer and I knew I wasn't going to have a suitable opportunity before the spring.

So my last K'chrome would have been Wittnerchrome 40 in 2008 I think.

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Re: Have you finished off your Kodachrome yet?

Post by woods01 »

I've got two rolls left. Shot 3 this summer on mainly family stuff and thought I'd have gotten around to the others much earlier but November was a pretty busy month for me. Not much time left to do anything really cool but the whether is forecast for sun this weekend so it could be as good a chance as any.
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Re: Have you finished off your Kodachrome yet?

Post by reflex »

My K-40 stash has been finished for years. Only Kodak neg in the fridge now. In fact, there's stuff in there that I'd forgotten about. Time to shoot some winter scenes, I think.
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Re: Have you finished off your Kodachrome yet?

Post by Muckymuck »

My last one was a Wittnerchrome 40 "XL special edition" with an expiry date of 7/2010. Shot it during the summer on the South Devon coast - should hopefully produce some legendary Kodachrome blue skies. Had it lying around and forgot to get it processed. Sent it to Dwaynes a couple of weeks ago. Hope it makes the deadline...

Also found a 35mm roll that hadn't been shot. Will probably just keep that one for posterity.

Has anyone ever tried to develop Kodachrome as a black and white negative using ordinary black and white chemistry (e.g. Ilfosol?) does it work or does even black and white Kodachrome processing require some special attention?
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Re: Have you finished off your Kodachrome yet?

Post by mr8mm »

Kodachrome has been processed as a b/w neg. Generally that is how labs like Film rescue retrieve images from old Kodachrome. Usually it comes out as a black and white neg on an orange base. Kodachrome can also be processed as a black and white reversal film with varying results.

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Re: Have you finished off your Kodachrome yet?

Post by woods01 »

Just returned from the post office. Mailed off 5 Kodachromes and a couple Ektachromes to Dwaynes. Whether was excellent over the weekend and I shot my last two rolls shooting at the beach. I made a point to make sure I got myself into a couple shots.

It will be interesting to see how Dwayne's fairs at this juncture. For myself, they got Ektachrome business from me because I was already shipping Kodachrome to them. For E-6 there a lot of other labs that are more convenient for me because they also do B&W and/or colour negative.
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Re: Have you finished off your Kodachrome yet?

Post by super8man »

Got my 16mm Kodachrome back. Wow. Nice stuff. Well, time to move on to a different emulsion.
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Re: Have you finished off your Kodachrome yet?

Post by carllooper »

freedom4kids wrote:Is the K40 process by Martin B. legit? Any scanned examples? If that is working then a 3 layer digital analysis and extraction may be possible.
This has been discussed at length in the thread called K40 saviours. The answer is that while it is not impossible to reconstruct the colour from BW processed K40 - it would be exceedingly expensive. The digital analysis is the easy part. It's the data acquistion which is difficult.

In normal K40 processing the layers are chemically distingished through dyes. Without the dyes the only other way to distingusih the layers is spatially. But the layers are in the order of nanometers apart from each other. And obscuring each other.

How would you optically separate out the information? There is a way but it requires very expensive hardware - even more expensive than an MRI. What is the typical resolution of an MRI? It's not as small as that required for distingusihing the layers in K40.

Electron microscopy. Sure, but one that simultaneously covers the Super8 frame and the minute depth of the layers? Mutisampling. Sure. But one must also multisample at different angles in order to separate layers from the others.
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Re: Have you finished off your Kodachrome yet?

Post by einzelhaft83 »

I expect my last three back any day now; one each of K40 reg and super 8 and one K25 16mm.
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Re: Have you finished off your Kodachrome yet?

Post by supa8 »

4 more rolls left that I need to shoot this week and send off.
Long time exposure on my Nizo Professional methinks
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Re: Have you finished off your Kodachrome yet?

Post by CHAS »

Count me as one of those "wait til the last minute" guys. I thought I only had two rolls of K40 Sound stock in the fridge - it turns out I have six! All with either 1983 or 1994 expiry dates. And now the California weather is crap. So much for those k40 blue skies. Maybe I'll try some indoor Christmas stuff and then send off to Dwayne's. I also have a roll of K64 slide film! Looks like I have a lot of shooting to get done....
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Re: Have you finished off your Kodachrome yet?

Post by jonathanf »

a few weeks ago i decided to shoot my application film for an art school on k-40.
now i have lots of stress to finish the footages and send the film from germany to the usa. i hope it will be work when i send it express on 24. ... x-mas doesn't exist for me in these days.

i wish myself good luck haha

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Re: Have you finished off your Kodachrome yet?

Post by alpha.tango »

My last 4 cartridges sent of to Dwaynes on the 15th December - received their Paypal invoice on the 24th so hope to receive them back soon. Pleased to see that they got there on time for processing with the post from the UK quicker than domestic deliveries at the moment.
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Re: Have you finished off your Kodachrome yet?

Post by StoneBuilder »

I too sent four rolls of Std8 Kodachrome off on the 15th of December, from the UK, but have not received a PayPal request so I guess I have missed the closing time. I posted it far too late and ran into the exceptional snow, which has brought the postal system to a standstill. There's still a few hours left though!
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