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Post by Astro »

These are the films that inspire me most.

1/ Taxi Driver
2/ Lost in Translation
3/ Lost Highway
4/ Blue Velvet
5/ Scarface
6/ It's a Wonderful life
7/ Barry Lyndon
8/ Brazil
9/ JFK
10/ La Haine

So what's everyone else's top ten films?
Astro :wink:
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Post by ninjamoon »

mine 10 good films are

driller killer
blue manhatten
fist of fury
ballistic kiss
better tomorrow 2
prodigal son
texas chainsaw massacre

ninja :)
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Post by matt5791 »

One of my favourite films is The Naked Gun :wink:
Closely followed by Airplane.
Birmingham UK.
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Post by I J Walton »

My fave list:

1. The Good, The Bad and the Ugly.
2. Dr Strangelove.
3. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
4. 2001.
5. A Clockwork Orange.
6. The Third Man.
7. Star Wars.
8. Akira
9. Raiders of the Lost Ark.
10. Natural Born Killers.

Hey Nina! A better Tomorrow 2! I love that film, so many people go on about the first one but I much prefer the sequel, especially the action sequences!
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Post by jhoneycutt »

Chinatown would have to be in my list someplace....

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Post by Taqi »

There's so many..... but in no particular order likely contenders for my favorites (rather than best) would be

Close-up (the Kiarostami one)
La Maman et la Putain
The Werckmeister Harmonies
Les Quatre Cents Coups
Andrei Rublev
Conte d’automne
Il Deserto Rosso
La Dolce Vita

So. What films do you hate most?
I'll start with a couple of plums:

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Post by Astro »

It's great to see others lists.
Dolce Vita is an amazing film
I'm haven't heard of the others so I will look them up.

Akira is also a very cool film.

My favourite Animation is all films by STUDIO GHIBLI
and Ghost in the Shell, Metropolis and Astro Boy.

I found Clockwork Orange impossible to watch. I love Kubrick but for me it is a very awkward film. Uncomfotable viewing. I watched Dr Strangelove again the other day. It has so many small touches in the dialogue, fantastic idea.
Natural Born Killers is a great film. The Super-8 used looks so good. But the style and editing is amongst the best. However when I saw it at the cinema there was so much cut out. I think U-Turn is also a cool little movie.
Astro :wink:
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Post by Freya »

Far From Heaven
The Cabinet of Dr Caligari
Invocation of my Demon Brother
Meshes of the Afternoon
Quatermass and the Pit
Lilo and Stitch
The Red Shoes

The above are probably my favourites currently, in not especially any order.
It was hard not to put more Lynch films in there and Nosferatu and Metropolis but there we are.

I'm still not sure if I should have picked the Karen Carpenter Story (amazing!) over Far From Heaven but there we are.

I also have a special catergory of films with the best end credits, which would be Dogville and Dawn of the dead (is it? with the shopping Mall)

Just discovered Freaks and was blown away by it, instantly entered my top ten for sure! 30 years ahead of its time! No doubt. :)


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Post by Astro »

I've never seen Freaks...ok another to my list to watch.
Meshes of the afernoon inspired alot of my early personal work. its one of a kind.
Eraserhead in brilliant but I can't get a decent cut of it on DVD.

Expanding my list

Days of Heaven & Badlands....these are two films which have inspired my latest be show at ICA on 10th of October in London...sorry for the plug!

Most of the films from everyones list so far are films which really show off the nature of film technology. the beauty and power of shooting on film.

These films represent the many limitlesss ways of exploring the moving image and this is why I love Super-8 and film making in general.

A day does not go by without cinema/film in my life. Film Making is the most fantastic medieum to work in, to explore ideas and narrative. Astro :D
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Post by Freya »

This is a really interesting thing because when I was little I used to have a list of the films I really liked. (On paper in case I forgot!) There were maybe about as much as 15 films on it at its peak! Mostly I didn't like any films.

Back then the list would have been heavy on the Riddley Scott with Blade Runner, The Alien Films and Thelma and Louise riding high! Sadly since Thelma and Louise I've been really dissapointed with everything he has done. I was appalled when he made a Hanibal Lecter film, I remember thinking "No you mean Tony Scott surely", completely horrified by that and it makes it hard for me to forgive him or even like his earlier films anymore. Maybe I have been watching him too much, like watching kettles. I shall ignore him and perhaps he can redeem himself somehow. (tho it seems hard to see how he could at this point :()

Tim Burton would have featured heavily too. I'm still a big fan but didn't think of him for the list. I also forgot Ed Wood who was probably also on the list when I was little (Of course! :D) Night of the Ghouls is my favourite. Rumblefish was on that list but it was so long ago now that I can't actually remember what it was like!

I was and still am a fan of Hammer Horror, as can be seen from the Quatermass film!

It's wonderful that I have now found so many films I like that it is now hard for me to make a list, back then it would have been easy!


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Post by Astro »

Hi Freya....This is Great.
I totally agree in regards to Tony Scott. Blade runner is up there with the best. I saw it at the Cinema and it blew me away. Makes my hair stand on end.
You mentioned Dawn of the dead, this is probably the best horror I've seen.
I'm desperate to see the remake. But the atmosphere of the original is superb. The fact that a black guy lived at the end and flew off with the white woman was coup of cinema. Brilliant. I also love Precinct 13 very raw film making / soundtrack.

When I was a teenager my list would have included Back to the Future, Teen wolf, Static (which I can't find anywhere) about a man who invents a Television that shows pictures of Heaven.

Dare I say it ...I've never seen Citizen Kane.

If I had to say who was responsible for my love of film , it would be Harold Lloyd. astro :wink:
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Post by filmbuff »

Touch of Evil

Now there's a movie I can enjoy on all levels and it's certainly #1 on my "wish I had made that movie" list.
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Post by Freya »

Astro wrote:I've never seen Freaks...ok another to my list to watch.
Meshes of the afernoon inspired alot of my early personal work. its one of a kind.
Eraserhead in brilliant but I can't get a decent cut of it on DVD.
What's wrong with them?
Mr Lynch has a version himself for sale on his site I think.
Darkened room is great! Don't like his cartoons tho. Rabbits was okay tho.
Do you know I think Elephant Man used to be on my list when I was little too, I had no idea then, they were by the same director!

That happened a lot with me and films back then, someone dragged me to see Thelma and Louise. They had free tickets and couldn't get anyone to go with them, I went not expecting much but was blown away by the film. I was so excited and couldn't wait to find out who the director was! Maybe the person who made this film made other films I liked! I was really dissapointed to find it was riddley scott as he was on my list a lot back then.

Strangely David Lynchs Dune film is the film I have missed the most times. I can't express the number of times I have tried to see this film, something *always* happens. I try and explain this to people but they don't understand. They say it's easy to see that film and I in a way I would agree with them, I've certainly had a lot of opportunities to try. I've largely given up trying to see the film because it only causes more and more bizzare things to happen. I guess I will see it one day when I'm meant to.
Expanding my list

Days of Heaven & Badlands....these are two films which have inspired my latest be show at ICA on 10th of October in London...sorry for the plug!
Strangely I think I have a VHS of badlands upstairs! I've not seen it yet? What is Days of Heaven? Is that a Douglas Sirk film or am I thinking of something else?

Not sure I should recommend people to "Far From Heaven", a friend talked me into watching it, they described the plot and I was like "well tha't's not going to go anywhere is it!", I was right it didn't, but my friend talked me into it and I really loved the film! She was dissapointed because the film didn't really go anywhere! Lol! One of those films thats more about the journey than any destination and recreating a world.

What is your film called Astro. No use plugging it and not telling us, although I doubt I will be down in London to see it.!


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Post by Freya »

Static???? That sounds like the Mark Romanek film!!! I've never seen it, I thought one hour photo was okay tho even tho it stars Robbin Williams (Oh My God!) and I like his music vids too. Would love to see static.

For some reason that reminds me of David Cronembourg, probably videodrome. He was on my list when I was little too! I loved his 16mm films, Stereo and Crimes of the future!


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Post by Astro »

A touch of evil.
Another one to watch.
It's strange but no one could ever see every commercial movie ever made within their life time.
Astro :wink:
..partly truth, partly fiction, a walking contradiction.
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