Beaulieu 708EL capstan film projector manual

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Beaulieu 708EL capstan film projector manual

Post by nikonr10 »

Hello anyone here ! has the Beaulieu 708 el film projector manual in english please , if so can I get a copy .

Thank you ,
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Re: Beaulieu 708EL capstan film projector manual

Post by slashmaster »

Wish I could help but congrats on finding that projector. I've been trying to get my hands on one for a while.
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Re: Beaulieu 708EL capstan film projector manual

Post by nikonr10 »

slashmaster wrote:Wish I could help but congrats on finding that projector. I've been trying to get my hands on one for a while.
Thank you slashmaster , she is on her way too me , Got her at a price could not pass by ! As ebay prices are still very high for this projector ,
Also as I use a Beaulieu 4008 / Leicina speicial camera nice touch to round it off with .
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Re: Beaulieu 708EL capstan film projector manual

Post by slashmaster »

nikonr10 wrote:
Thank you slashmaster , she is on her way too me , Got her at a price could not pass by ! As ebay prices are still very high for this projector ,
Also as I use a Beaulieu 4008 / Leicina speicial camera nice touch to round it off with .
You're welcome, what did you pay if you don't mind me asking? I saw one about a month ago for $1500.

I know the Leicina must get great registration with that loop setup. Does it have a prism directing the image to the viewfinder like most super 8 cameras or is the viewfinder completely separate?
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Re: Beaulieu 708EL capstan film projector manual

Post by nikonr10 »

slashmaster wrote:
nikonr10 wrote:
Thank you slashmaster , she is on her way too me , Got her at a price could not pass by ! As ebay prices are still very high for this projector ,
Also as I use a Beaulieu 4008 / Leicina speicial camera nice touch to round it off with .
You're welcome, what did you pay if you don't mind me asking? I saw one about a month ago for $1500.

I know the Leicina must get great registration with that loop setup. Does it have a prism directing the image to the viewfinder like most super 8 cameras or is the viewfinder completely separate?
Leicina has a prism my fave super 8 camera / Projector was not as much as that ? That why took achance on it ? hope it all works out !
Anyone outhere can you help me with that Manuel in English please ,
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Re: Beaulieu 708EL capstan film projector manual

Post by granfer »

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Re: Beaulieu 708EL capstan film projector manual

Post by nikonr10 »

Hi granfer have to join this forum to be able to get this Manual , which seens to be not that easy ? do you have a PDF copy if so can you pm me please >
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Re: Beaulieu 708EL capstan film projector manual

Post by granfer »

No, I don't. New Forum members are always welcome. I can't download it at the moment as there appears to be a problem with that part of the site, which recently changed host.
I suggest you join, then contact Kev (owner and moderator) and tell him of problem. I've sent him a message about it.
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Re: Beaulieu 708EL capstan film projector manual

Post by nikonr10 »

nikonr10 wrote:
Hi granfer have to join this forum to be able to get this Manual , which seens to be not that easy ? do you have a PDF copy if so can you pm me please >
Seems to join here is like some kind of cult, members only !? all for a manual , what a seach being the age now , not right that people make bucks on this kind of stuff when it's for free / greed off a age then you get a PDF or photo copy ,

Anyone else outhere can you help ? me with a english copy , please .
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Re: Beaulieu 708EL capstan film projector manual

Post by aj »

You want it for free without any return favour and then somebody else who puts in the effort and pays for the hosting is greedy?

And yours already has a user manual, so what is the trouble: ... =mympBuyer

Last edited by aj on Fri Nov 21, 2014 3:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Beaulieu 708EL capstan film projector manual

Post by nikonr10 »

aj wrote:You want it for free without any return favour and then somebody else who puts in the effort and pays for the hosting is greedy?

And it already has a user manual, so what is the trouble: ... =mympBuyer
Nice to have your input AG , anyway there are so many manual you can down load for free , so is it wrong to ask ?
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Re: Beaulieu 708EL capstan film projector manual

Post by granfer »

Well said, Andre! I'm a member of that Forum and have been for some years. I have received great benefit from being a member... and have also contributed much to it in help and advice to other members, Some of my technical modifications and Manuals have been contributed to that Archive and the Owner runs it at his own expense for the love of the hobby he and many others indulge in ,,, Film Collecting.

I never thought of myself as a "Cult" member!!!!

Who is "Greedy"..... the owner of a 'not for profit' Forum, or the person who wants' (and expects) something for nothing?

and nikonr10... "Nice to have your input AG , anyway there are so many manual you can down load for free , so is it wrong to ask ?"

No it's not wrong to ask, BUT it is extremely impolite to accuse someone you do not even know
of being "greedy", just because you cannot be bothered to go though the formalities of identifying yourself in order the get the benefit of what he has to offer... for FREE.
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Re: Beaulieu 708EL capstan film projector manual

Post by nikonr10 »

granfer wrote:Well said, Andre! I'm a member of that Forum and have been for some years. I have received great benefit from being a member... and have also contributed much to it in help and advice to other members, Some of my technical modifications and Manuals have been contributed to that Archive and the Owner runs it at his own expense for the love of the hobby he and many others indulge in ,,, Film Collecting.

I never thought of myself as a "Cult" member!!!!

Who is "Greedy"..... the owner of a 'not for profit' Forum, or the person who wants' (and expects) something for nothing?

and nikon10... "Nice to have your input AG , anyway there are so many manual you can down load for free , so is it wrong to ask ?"

No it's not wrong to ask, BUT it is extremely impolite to accuse someone you do not even know
of being "greedy", just because you cannot be bothered to go though the formalities of identifying yourself in order the get the benefit of what he has to offer... for FREE.
Granfer Thank you for your help in this and it's not about this small filmformat forum or the guy that runs it , It was more to do with finding the Beaulieu 708el Manual seach on google then have to pay for it as a photo copy or pdf as a english copy , did try to join but somehow may be not clicking the right box ?
But thank for pointing me to this forum did not know about ,
There are so many manuels you can get or down load for free ie film cameras / great that there are people outthere who do it help keep film alive ! And I did not mean to be rude if that is how it came across so sorry .
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Real name: Christopher Nigel

Re: Beaulieu 708EL capstan film projector manual

Post by nikonr10 »

Just got my beaulieu 708EL capstan projector with NO Manuel in English , found manuel on line for free in german and also in French pdf / anyone out there have a copy in English , Thank's or even the real printed manual would be even better , if so let me know ,

A really nice Projector ,
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Re: Beaulieu 708EL capstan film projector manual

Post by granfer »

In English.... User Manual and Service Manual. PRINTED at VERY reasonable price. ... lPage=true

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