Nizo Electric 8mm camera

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Nizo Electric 8mm camera

Post by Superbus_ »

Recently I've bought a Nizo Electric standard 8mm camera. A very nice and simple construction and it was made forever.
I was just thinking about this very cool camera and interested in the designer.
Could it be Dieter Rams?
At that time he designed numerous objects including electric machines for Braun and I think cameras as well.
My second question is more technical oriented. Does anyone have information what batteries are used in this camera?

There are two kind of batteries I'm looking for: the main battery for the movement and a tiny one for the lightmeter.

Here are the photos of this camera: ... otostream/


"Cuando despertó, el dinosaurio todavía estaba allí."
("When he awoke, the dinosaur was still there.")

Augusto Monterroso, El Dinosaurio
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