S8 Short Online: "An Escort's Revenge"

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Post by tfunch24 »

Okay, I took Michael's advice and downloaded the DivX codec. Here is my the DivX-encoded film:


It's only 3 megs and it is heavily compressed.

I hope it works, because I'm practically all out of codecs. I'm going to upgrade to newer NLE software soon.

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Post by studiocarter »

That DivX codec is very variable. Quite good viewing is possible; the slider bar controls quality and file size. It is a trade off but full screen viewing at reasonable sizes are possible.
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Interesting film

Post by Woland »

Hi Tom,
It seems you want honest criticsim, so that's what I'll offer and you take it for what it's worth. I think the film is good, but there are little improvements that would've made it better (maybe you shot this on the fly and assembled some insert shots too?)

I would have cleaned the windshield and had the shot of driving along filmed from the passenger seat behind the driver to establish the driver's POV, or have him hold it. The way you've done it does raise the possibility that the POV we have is that of the force controlling the car, but more than likely it reflects the POV of the camera person.

Also, it's a little unclear how exactly the car is avenging (we know because of the oil change) but film is an intensely visual medium and maybe some more visuals of the car wreaking "havoc" on Joe would've improved the overall film (relying on subtitles to describe what is happening on screen is a bit hard to swallow.)

From a narrative POV, it might well have been worthwhile to establish why the car is so upset....perhaps a shot of Joe rejecting an estimate at the garage, or Joe driving past a "free car wash" sign and not taking advantage of it, or Joe putting a "for sale" sign in the window......something visual that establishes the car's motivation (remember every character in a film must be motivated by something.) the only way we know the car is upset is because you have written something about an oil change on-screen -- a tragically uncinematic way of telling a story.

I thought the lighting, on the other hand, was quite good and actually worked well to set the tone and the texture of the film. I like the garage door shot too.

My film will be ready soon and you'll be able to see it and offer your criticisms. I write a lot of screenplays, so maybe my observations are skewed, but nonetheless offered in the kindest of tones and intentions -- I am already on the way to hell, so as for the road being paved with good intentions....it makes the journey all that much smoother. :twisted:

I realize An Escort's Revenge is not intended to be a masterpiece, and you're probably working on something bigger and better, but I hope this will be of some use to you.
If life were easy and not so fast, I wouldn't think about the past.
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