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by vintagefilm
Thu Jan 19, 2023 6:31 pm
Forum: Projects
Replies: 2
Views: 41631


I may have done this to support my earlier project called Scanbox Open Scanner. There is a video of it floating around somewhere. If anybody cares, I can try to find it.
by vintagefilm
Thu Jan 19, 2023 6:29 pm
Forum: Open Film Scanner Project
Topic: Converting an FDL-60 telecine to a Scanner
Replies: 3
Views: 98710

Re: Converting an FDL-60 telecine to a Scanner

Hey, I have had a new idea about this.

I have partially built it for a Spirit. I will work on any FDL.

The area between the PTR on the left, and the Tacho and it's adjacent roller can be used for a complete image system. I will get a picture of what I have done so far. Not nearly complete or ...
by vintagefilm
Tue Dec 29, 2015 9:01 pm
Forum: Small gauge film forum
Topic: New Kodak Film Cleaner
Replies: 9
Views: 9364

Re: New Kodak Film Cleaner

Actually this machine looks and functions in a similar way the the lipsnersmith rti excell1100. A machine coild be made to use any fluid you choose but will be more or less effective based on the details of speed fluid use etc.
by vintagefilm
Sat Dec 26, 2015 11:35 pm
Forum: Small gauge film forum
Topic: New Kodak Film Cleaner
Replies: 9
Views: 9364

Re: New Kodak Film Cleaner

Fuel injectors would need a hi pressure pump..a regulator and a pulse generator to complete a system.
Last time we priced the hfe chemical this uses it cost around 1400 usd for a 4 gallon bucket.
by vintagefilm
Wed Jul 15, 2015 7:11 pm
Forum: Small gauge film forum
Topic: what do pro telecine/scanners use for a backlight?
Replies: 15
Views: 13155

Re: what do pro telecine/scanners use for a backlight?

The diffuser I use is opal glass. You can research and see what is available at Edmund Scientific.
by vintagefilm
Mon Jul 13, 2015 5:55 pm
Forum: Small gauge film forum
Topic: what do pro telecine/scanners use for a backlight?
Replies: 15
Views: 13155

Re: what do pro telecine/scanners use for a backlight?

By the way one other advantage of more light is that you can stop down the lens to get more depth of field. This is valuable when scanning film with cupping or warpage within the frame.
by vintagefilm
Mon Jul 13, 2015 5:52 pm
Forum: Small gauge film forum
Topic: what do pro telecine/scanners use for a backlight?
Replies: 15
Views: 13155

Re: what do pro telecine/scanners use for a backlight?

Franks system is a brilliant piece of engineering and the new Mullers are better for having it. I was refering to Mullers own website description of his personal earlier version. Andreas posted a link a while ago.
by vintagefilm
Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:45 pm
Forum: Small gauge film forum
Topic: what do pro telecine/scanners use for a backlight?
Replies: 15
Views: 13155

Re: what do pro telecine/scanners use for a backlight?

More light equals less exposure time for one thing. And the big machines have the light some distance away so the distance creates losses. They also process the light based on the machine's settings. There are filter wheels in the light path that can cost some light. And there are also several ...
by vintagefilm
Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:08 pm
Forum: Small gauge film forum
Topic: what do pro telecine/scanners use for a backlight?
Replies: 15
Views: 13155

Re: what do pro telecine/scanners use for a backlight?

Spirits use a xenon lamp. To 2004 it was 300 watts and later 700 watts. Scanity has an led. Muller's later design had a 100 watt 10000 kelvin led.
by vintagefilm
Thu May 21, 2015 5:20 pm
Forum: Open Film Scanner Project
Topic: Converting an FDL-60 telecine to a Scanner
Replies: 3
Views: 98710

Converting an FDL-60 telecine to a Scanner

Andreas has an FDL-60, and I used to have some of them, so I thought I would share some ideas about a conversion. The film transport in the FDL is quite good, so if possible, we would like to use it as-is. The camera system is easily removed from the chassis, so that is the first step. We will need ...
by vintagefilm
Thu May 21, 2015 5:09 pm
Forum: Open Film Scanner Project
Topic: Teaser, spoiler and some ideas around this project
Replies: 1
Views: 22158

Re: Teaser, spoiler and some ideas around this project

The scanner I am working on is a work in progress, and is not ready to be deployed except on an experimental basis. Having said that, it does work and can produce some very nice results.

It is built with the following subsystems
-Motion Control
-Control Panel ...
by vintagefilm
Tue May 19, 2015 2:25 am
Forum: Small gauge film forum
Topic: Seguin Cine Museum Expands
Replies: 9
Views: 6440

Re: Seguin Cine Museum Expands

Thanks for posting that David. That looks just like the one we used to have...oh, wait. That is the one we used to have. It was with a transfer house in Santa Ana Ca that we bought out back in 1999 I think. Before that I don't know. And we used it for quite a while, until we bought our first FDL-60 ...
by vintagefilm
Thu May 14, 2015 9:45 pm
Forum: Small gauge film forum
Topic: The new Muller HDS scanner, what do you think about that?
Replies: 49
Views: 53851

Re: The new Muller HDS scanner, what do you think about that

excuse me if I remain more than a little skeptical of the benefit of a 5K scan of Super8
It was Justin from Canada-Toronto, I think? who posted a link to a super8 transfer he had done on the LG5K. I expect it was a well shot piece of film, and I thought it looked pretty good, resolution-wise. I ...
by vintagefilm
Wed May 13, 2015 7:17 pm
Forum: Small gauge film forum
Topic: The new Muller HDS scanner, what do you think about that?
Replies: 49
Views: 53851

Re: The new Muller HDS scanner, what do you think about that

Frank and Roger, you guys are right of course. It will be a difficult task to do any support for an open source machine. That's one reason I haven't really started yet. I am really still building the machine, and trying to figure out all the tech involved. It has been a lot to learn, as I am sure ...